Scality RING Advanced Operation Training - séminaires - 3 jours

Scality RING Advanced Operation Training - séminaires - 3 jours P8Y98AAE
9876 En stock
Hewlett Packard EnterpriseConstructeurHewlett Packard EnterpriseRéf. Produit
En-tête / FabricantHewlett Packard Enterprise
Do you need petabyte-scale storage at optimal data storage economics to address your data growth? HPE Scalable Object Storage with Scality RING is a software-defined storage platform that is designed to lower the costs of today's petabyte-scale storage needs as well as accommodate future data growth. The solution is built on a platform that is density-optimized to allow organizations to seamlessly scale to petabytes and beyond in less physical space and without compromising data availability and durability. The Scalable Object Storage retains online access to all data types using a sustainable platform capable of scaling in accordance with evolving data storage needs, dramatically reducing time-to-value and providing the highest ROI over the long-term. With HPE Scalable Object Storage, you can achieve petabyte-scale storage at optimal data storage economics, all while realizing new levels of scalability, reliability, and flexibility.


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